Regency Fireplaces - Web Product Video Production Delta

Regency Fireplaces - Web Product Video Production Delta

(Product Video)

Fireplace manufacturer Regency regularly contracts PPG to film newly developed products to show how their products perform to visitors of their website. As well, the videos are put onto DVD for trade show displays, and were cut into this compilation TV commercial for broadcast in the US and Canada by Pacific Producers Group for Regency's retailers. Check out one of our other product videos at Regency's site here.

Why does Regency Fireplaces use PPG? According to Rod Kovacs, Graphic Designer at Regency, PPG's team "really go the extra mile with your video productions. They take the time to really listen and learn about your specific needs and use their expertise to deliver great products in a timely and cost effective manner. With this kind of service from Pacific Producers Group, there is no reason to think about going somewhere else."

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